First of all, thank you for considering a gift to help support the mission of the Women’s Center.
We know that if you make a contribution, it will be because you believe in what we do, and because you want to help make a difference in the lives of the many women, children and families served by our programs. But we’d also like to make sure you benefit from making a gift to us.
How does this happen? You may be surprised to learn that some of the best gift plans also improve the donor’s financial and tax situation.
The most common donations are outright gifts, such as cash or a check, which we might receive right away. But many times, people want to hold on to their money and other assets for now, just to be sure they can meet their family’s future financial needs. These people are usually delighted to learn that we have excellent alternatives that allow them to still make a gift. One of these options could be right for you, too.
They’re known as “planned” gifts. They can be revocable—a charitable bequest in the will, for example—so that you can change your mind at any time. Or, they can be irrevocable—just as outright gifts are—so that you benefit from an immediate income tax deduction.
The attraction of irrevocable planned gifts is that they are deferred. You part with an asset today, but the actual giving of the asset to us is put off for a while—often until after your lifetime (and that of a surviving beneficiary, if you wish). Until that time, you receive benefits from the gift.
For example, with a charitable remainder trust, you receive lifetime income from the asset after it’s placed in a trust, and then we receive the remainder of the trust after your lifetime. Or, you could deed us a remainder interest in your home and still retain the right to live in it for life. At any rate, the key feature of planned gifts like these is that they provide important benefits to you, as well as the Women’s Center.
We’ve designed the chart, here, to summarize the benefits of some of the main types of charitable gifts. Just think of what you want to accomplish with your gift, and there’s probably a way to do it!
We’re here to answer any questions you might have about planned giving. We can examine your particular situation and, together with your attorney and/or financial advisors, help you find ways to support the Women’s Center while ensuring your family’s financial security. Please call us for more information.
We hope the information on this page will help you consider planned giving strategies that will assist you with your financial and estate planning needs and provide support for the Women’s Center.
Since 1975, the Women’s Center programs have continued to evolve to meet the changing needs in women’s lives. The Heritage Society was established to honor those benefactors who have included the Women’s Center in their financial planning through a bequest or other deferred option, as outlined here.
Planned giving is, in many cases, the most thoughtful of gifts and allows you to change lives for the better – forever.
If you have already made provisions for the Women’s Center through your financial planning, please let us know. We would like to thank you now for your generosity.
The information on this page is not intended as legal advice. For legal advise, please contact an attorney.