Melbourne: 321-242-3110
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Titusville: 321-607-6811
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To get signed up for victim advocacy or counseling services,
please CLICK HERE.
The Victim Service program is committed to assisting victims and survivors of domestic, sexual & dating violence, victims of stalking and human trafficking through our Advocacy program. The primary goal of our program is to provide a support system. We will provide support, information, and educate about the dynamics of a domestic violence relationship.
Not all domestic violence is physical. There are many types of abuse. Click the button below to see some other signs that you are being abused.
Sexual Assault Victim Services (SAVS) is a rape crisis program working to provide free and confidential support and advocacy services to sexual assault victims and their loved ones.
SAVS Rape Crisis Helpline 321-784-HELP (4357) is available 24 hours per day to provide information, support, referrals for counseling, community resources, and coordination for rape forensic exams.
SAVS victim advocates provide emotional support and assistance to victims of sexual assault. Advocates are available 24 hours a day to accompany victims to the Forensic Exam Center or at local hospitals for evidence collection.
SAVS staff advocates are also available at both the Melbourne and Titusville Women’s Center locations during business hours to meet with victims in need of assistance. Advocates are trained to help navigate the personal, legal and medical challenges that many people face after a sexual assault.
The Women's Center Offers individual, group and family counseling services in our Melbourne and Titusville locations. Free services are available to individuals who have experienced trauma due to sexual assault, and domestic violence issues. We also provide general mental health services for issues related to depression, anxiety, grief and adjustment, or other mental health problems. Our behavioral health specialists understand the challenges people face when dealing with mental health conditions. For general mental health services we accept payment based on a per session established rate.
In a Drop-In Group , you will be provided with information, invited to explore and discuss, and ultimately gain skills to help you improve your mental health.
Domestic Violence Support Group – A FREE open support group for adults who have experienced verbal, emotional or physical abuse by an interpersonal partner. Focus on educating about domestic violence, empowering women to make choices which are best for them, healing from the impact and seeing self as a survivor.
Trauma Recovery Group – FREE group for adults who have experienced sexual trauma in childhood or adulthood.
Self Esteem Group: FREE psycho-educational support group for adults to learn tools to help build their self-esteem.
The Prevention team of Women's Center of Brevard is a relationship violence prevention program offered throughout Brevard County in communities, schools, clubs, programs of faith based groups and other places teens gather. WC Prevention team uses an evidence based series for workshops that give children, pre-teens, teens, adults and families the knowledge and skills to develop healthy relationships free of abuse and violence:
Emergency shelter for those in crisis as well as longer term housing for low income women and their children who are homeless or at imminent risk of homelessness.
The Women's Center of Brevard does not discriminate on basis of age, race, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity,
veteran status, disability, marital status, and any other basis of discrimination in the delivery of services.
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